Feminism has often been questioning of Christianity, as we can see in this article by Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon who later comments..

Now that the dominant ethno-cultural group can’t throw its weight around like it used to, they’re getting panicky and upping the Jesus stuff.

Christianity as the dominant religion of the west does seem to be under intense feminist scrutiny as we can see here ..

In 1990 Daphne Hampson presented the controversial thesis that “feminism represents the death-knell of Christianity as a viable option” in her Theology and Feminism. The repudiation of a world religion as influential and widespread as Christianity is an extravagant claim for any movement to make, and the natural Christian response is one of affront. However, the feminist ideology, associated as it is with extremely valuable and humane principles of equality, justice and freedom, is a system of thought which must be taken extremely seriously by Christians.

We can see more of this here ..

Why aren’t feminism and Christianity compatible?  Because they contradict each other. Anyone familiar with the rudiments of logic knows that both sides of a contradiction may be false, but they cannot both be true.

This has lead to responses by various Christian ministries such as this one ..

There is a particular scripture frequently quoted by feminists as backing their position: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28). This use of this scripture points out the dangers of quoting scriptures out of context. Even a cursory, superficial reading of the full chapter reveals that what is being discussed is access to salvation, not the right to hold office in the church or the status of particular groups within church, family or society.

And this one ..

Along with rejecting Jesus, feminism rejects the Bible as the revelation of God because it is a tool used to suppress women. Ultimately feminism is about the rejection of ALL AUTHORITY except that of the self.

All of this leads to some interesting questions.

  1. Why does an ‘egalitarian civil rights movement’ concern itself with religion?
  2. ..and why Christianity in particular?

You may also find this site interesting http://biblicalmanhood.blogspot.com/